Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just a Little While Longer...

So, my turtorial (that shall currently remain nameless) is still underway, and I am currently working on tweaking it to be as perfect, and easy to follow as possible. The wonderful Amanda Herring of the Quilted Fish has reviewed it, and made a few suggestions of what needs to be tweaked, so I am getting on that ASAP. Let me just say that working with Amanda, thus far, has been an absolute delight! She is so darn creative, and working with her fabrics and knick knacks has been a dream come true for me... really! Anyway, I don't have much time to post right this moment, but I did want to let everyone know that my tutorial is coming, and that it should - with all hope - be up and running on someones blog (maybe Riley Blake's?!) in the very near future. Regardless of where it is posted, I will most certainly let everyone know when it is up, and have a link to which ever blog is hosting my tutorial.

Best Wishes,


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