Monday, December 21, 2009


Oh my goodnes... things have gotten crazy around here! With the holdidays fast approaching (Christmas is now 4 days away!!) I am running around trying to tie up all of the loos ends to get ready for the big day. My family and I are leaving to visting family in Utah for Christmas and are leaving bright and early Thursday morning, what I consider still Wednesday night (4am), which leaves me 3 days to finish buying gifts, wrap presents, and creatively pack everything into the trunk of my Nissan Altima. Ummm... does Santa help with moms too? On top of it all we are in the process of moving, and are actually behind schedule. We are currently finishing painting the bedrooms, and Wednesday we are having new carpet put into the condo. When we get back next Monday, we are then going to hire a moving truck and get everything moved into our new place. Then... we go to pick up our new puppy. What a week!

So... there's my little rant about my life. I will post in a little bit about my crochet business, including all of the exciting new products and ventures I am beginning with that!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I can't even believe the holidays are here already! It feels like it was just spring... what... 2 days ago? I have been so busy lately making new hats for my shop. So many ideas, and so little time, and $ to support all of them! The life of a creative, handmade shop owner!

Along with darling hats already listed in my shop I am working on adding a few more cute, and ultra unique hats to my shop.

I just finished a tiger hat to added to my "Wildlife Collection" of infant and toddler hats. The hats in this collection are perfect for playing dress up (what early childhood teachers call "dramatic play"), and provide children hours of entertainment pretending to be their favorite wild animal! Currently in this collection I have the lion (the most popular by far!), tiger, bear, zebra, and frog. All items are customizable and are available in different colors, yarns, and can have accessories added to them (ie: flower, bow, etc.) Eventually I would like to include a monkey (with and without earflaps and ties), mouse, and rooster to the lineup of my animal hats... but that is all in another days work!

I am finishing up the final touches on a strawberry hat... which is too freakin' cute! The hat is made using 100% cotton yarn. The base is hot pink, and is finished off with a green scalloped trim. I am currently deciding how I would like to add black seeds to the hats, and whether or not I want a stem coming out of the top. Decisions, decision...

The other ideas I am working on currently is an old fashion "leather head" helemet style hat, and a fargo style hat with ears flaps lined with customizable minky fabric. Cute huh? Right now... as in the past hour, I am figuring out the dimensions of the minky fabric needed, and how it needs to be cut and sewn to provide a perfect interior liner for the hats.

WOW... so many ideas! I wish I could do this all day, rather than just on the side.

So... in getting ready for the holliday season I am having a 15% off sale on all items in my shop through Thanksgiving. Please check out my shop at...